Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer in Green Lake, Wisconsin

Wow, what a summer! Sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoy these pictures of my summertime activities. Lots of fly fishing, tons of gardening, a little art, exploring the lake, and just enjoying being home with my family and loved ones. 

Austen squishing the hot air baloon. 

We decided the garden needed some feng shui we made a sunny center and turned the paths into rays.

Little brother, Austen, in the sun garden. 

-raised beds-

-planting lettuce-

-bean sprouts-


-besides working in the garden we also like to lay in the grass and 
 read about gardens, among other things....

Austen getting ready for a fly fishing adventure. 

-tasty trout flies-

-Willow Creek, our fishing destination-

Not so little...brothers. :) <3 

-flowers along the riverbank-

-dew drops-


-old skin-


Another day, another river.

-ghost fisherman?-

Dad- fishin' in the fog.

Austen and cousin, Jake, helping Ms. Mary Jane Bumby 
with her lake monitoring research. 

-lake temperature-

-Jake collecting algae for Mary Jane-

-tossing out the quadrant- 

Austen and the Secci disk. 

-beautiful day to be out on the lake-

-another set of specimens collected-

My brother Anson lending a helping hand to the lake study. 

The cliffs and caves of Sandstone~ Big Green Lake  


Under the water. 

-peace and love in the lake-

Mary Jane would know what this is...

-fish close-up-

-paddling around the Mecan River, WI-

Namaste <3

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Exciting Events on the Farm: Garden Beginnings, Planting Trees, & So Much More

-garden tools-

-a freshly sawdusted garden in early May-

-lurking by the compost bin-

- Pops pre-haircut, plantin' stuff- 


-burning bush-

-happy new home for the burning bush-

-bleeding hearts-

-bug's eye view, layin' in the grass-

-grrr. dandeLION-

-Shame on the power company for turning a blind eye and heartlessly chopping down this massive organism, among the top 10 largest maples in the country. Alas, at least the remains have been put in good hands. Some in the hands of my dad, Nolan Wallenfang, and a few other monster pieces to another noteworthy, local craftsman, Ben Rowley. And in their hands we know this tree will live on. <3 


-Mushroom family- 

-My brother, Anson, soaking in the natural beauty of a river not too far from our home in Green Lake, WI.-

-Central Wisconsin doesn't shout out natural wonders, you have to explore and find them for yourself....-

-rock walls and rivers-

-a successful day of morel mushroom foraging, but we'll never tell you where we found them! ;) 

-tasty gifts from the woods-

-the transplanting of trees <3 -

-Dad and Anson in the dirt-

-grow big and tall little tree-

-glowing clover-


-no here!-

The delicate task of finding the perfect place to transplant trees. 

-a young Princeton maple-

-yay team!-


-a painted turtle making a nest and laying eggs in Green Lake, WI-

Hope you enjoyed! Namaste <3