Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Connected Communities = Connected Families = Connected Hearts = Bliss

And so continues this project of mine, and with success I must say. Sunday I went with Jose to a drum circle that his friends were having. They´re from Argentina and and make the drums- oh it was wonderful to have the musice beat through your body. The Argentine couple had just had a baby on part of the Andes range on a mountain called, Ilalo. Breathaking to say the very least. Their friends all came to bid them farewell and a safe journey home, and the send off was a pot luck lunch and a music sesh just the beats of the drums. And you could tell they had all done this before. The way they were in sync with each other and fed from one another´s vibe. The Argentine couple was too lovely. Mariana and the babe, Antu, nestled themselves in the grass with their little plate of food and played with the other babes as they discovered the grass and the drums.

The couple and their friends seemed so close knit, like one giant family. And so I asked Jose, ¨Do they use much money, these folks?¨ And he told me no, that they barely used money. But that they were indeed like a community, always helping each other out. That, it´s difficult to maintain a lifestyle where you don´t use much money, but that it´s much easier when everyone is helping everyone else out- like a family. Everyone with their craft and always wanting what they have and never needing or wanting more. Anyways, it struck me as quite beautiful- their way of life. So connected to the earth. So harmonious. So respectful. Now how to get more people live like that is the question....A transition it may be, but a beautiful one nonetheless.

Today as I was eating lunch I said to Jose, ¨Gosh I feel like, billions of dollars.¨ And we laughed,  not because we were enjoying our lunch by the beach looking out to the ocean. It didn´t have to do with location. And I could have farther from a billion dollars. But the feeling of connectedness we are able to experience is worth much more than money. We joked that billionaires probably don´t feel this amazaing. It´s sad though. If I could I´d bottle this feeling, which in the last year has become my state of normalcy. I wouldn´t sell the bottles for money, of course. I´d give them away. But the beautiful thing is that everyone can have what I would put in that little bottle. It´s just being willing to understand how to get it that gets in the way. But those who will understand and make the transition will know what I´m talking about when I say what a beautiful, amazing, indescribable feeling of aliveness and bliss all mushed together and wrapped but with pure love and happiness. That´s how feeling connected feels...well, kind of. :)


  1. I don't know if you've seen "Little Miss Sunshine" but there is a quote that I'd be interested in hearing your opinion on. "...he gets down to the end of his life, and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered, Those were the best years of his life, 'cause they made him who he was. All those years he was happy? You know, total waste. Didn't learn a thing..." No motive behind this question. Just interested to hear what you have to say.
    Miss you sugar.

  2. I´ve only seen part of the movie but what I saw I liked. Oh how you flatter me. I agree that the bad molds you into who you are but it doesn´t define you. We´re always learning, always growing, always evolving into who we are as human beings. We can only take what we can from the bad, accept it for what it is, surrender and BE with it....and that´s what brings us to the good. Being happy is a choice though. Just like being angry, sad, anxious, joyful etc. Ultimately, I believe, emotions are a decision. People can influence your mood or state of being but when it comes down to it it´s up to you how you react/act towards a situation, if you allow your emotions to get the best of you or not. In ¨The Power of Now¨ Eckhart Tolle talks about being the outside observer of what goes on inside of you and being aware and conscious of how you feel so as to not let people steal your energy. When you are angry you give it away freely. The same when you are happy. It is this tranquil medium that´s the ticket. :) I highly recommend the book if you haven´t already read it.
