Friday, March 4, 2011

Visualizing what you want as a reality that already exists :)

As I was organizing myself the other day and making a list of things to accomplish, I checked off something I´d been meaning to do for almost a year: compile the list of suggestions that the people of San Cristobal, Galapagos had for how they (we) could better care for the archipelago. The majority were; switch from plastic bags to cloth bags to do shopping (because sea lions and other oceanic creatures mistake them for food or get tangled up in them), don´t throw garbage in the ocean, don´t use more water than in necessary etc. Yet at the bottom of the pile there was one that stood out from the rest.

¨El planeta tierra es el templo de la humanidad, donde aprendemos y evolucionamos. En tus meditaciones visualiza que se limpia todas las energías negativas, iluminado con tu pensamiento, y finalmente mira un planeta hermoso, saludable, con mucho paz y armonía.¨ - Mireya

Not just translating it word for word but also the deeper meaning of the message-

¨Planet earth is the temple of humanity, where we have learned and evolved. In your meditations visualize that you clean out all of the negative energy, illuminate them with your thoughts, and finally see (visualize) a beautiful planet, healthy, with lots of peace and harmony.¨ What this woman is getting at is the fact that our thoughts create our reality, so with a pure heart full of love and goodness we can help create a healthy world by visualizing it already healthy and in harmony. Yes, the power of positive thinking is MUCH more powerful than people are aware of.  So, it´s the least we can do to take a few moments and visualize a healthy planet, a healthy home, a healthy community full of healthy people as though it already exists. And if you find yourself doubting the power of positive thinking, all the more reason to test it out. ;) AND BELIEVE!!!

You can check out the event I organized for Earth Day 2010 in Galapagos here! :)

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